This page is dedicated to documenting the Ashland and greater Rogue Valley’s response to this website’s existence.

An individual identifying as an employee of Ashland Food Co-Op (don’t know her personally so I can’t say for certain): Rianna Sheree has made the claim within a BLM group on Facebook that I had “threatened staff members” during my time at the Co-Op.

This is a lie.

This most certainly did not happen. Never in my time within AFC, nor after, have I ever threatened harm, physical or otherwise, to any staff members or associates of AFC.

…Or any other humans last I checked. The same cannot be said for some of my past coworkers, as I’ve mentioned.

Due to the efforts of Miss Sheree I cannot enter that group thread to defend myself. So I am writing my answer to her false accusation here. In case that lie starts to circulate.

I’m not sure what business a person has in the Black Lives Matter movement if, their first response to racism being exposed in their workplace, is to lie to discredit a whistleblower.

The movement is not, “Black Lives Matter Except When It’s Inconvenient“.

*Important Correction 8/10/2020*

I have just been made aware that Rianna Sheree is another moniker for Rianna Koppel who I DID know as one of my AFCEA representatives. I apologize for the error. The original post will be kept for posterity. The rest of the statement stands.

Update 8/11/2020: I was invited into the original BLM group mentioned, to find that, while I was not there to defend myself, many people within the community had stood up for me in my absence. I appreciate you guys.